Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
05.01.2016 (3228 days ago)

Grand Junction or not

Grand Junction or not
3228 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

As this weekend began, we just returned from visiting mom in Florida. The visit includes helping mom some and catching up with friends who relocated there and/ or have places there.  I also enjoy checking out their living spaces and musing about what we might consider if we took the full or partial-time plunge.  I certainly enjoy the outdoor pool and Shelly enjoys the gym in the clubhouse across the road.

Yet here as I draft this, I find comfort in the place my daughter named Grand Junction in her FourSquare App (I later adopted the name, from a Poco instrumental found on my fave band's debut LP, Pickin' Up The Pieces, for our home.).  I have my space, some call my office here my mancave but that mislabels it; but my pool club and my elementary school gym where I play full court twice each week lie close by. So I enjoy visiting but also enjoy these premises.

After visiting friends who live there full-time, lead life as snow birds or just have a space there for frequent jaunts, one muses whether that life might work.

Do you see yourself leading that kind of life at some point?  If you already do,  perhaps share your take.

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Posted By : hydrajet