Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
05.23.2022 (884 days ago)

Graduation Season

Graduation Season
884 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My children have each now collected a treasure trove of graduation experiences.  From nursery school through college x2!  I’m pretty sure there are more graduations in our future, but at this particular moment I am mighty proud -- just like Fred and Corey who shared their graduation pride over the last few days.


This past weekend my son graduated from The Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland.  He is now officially a Nuclear and Chemical Engineer!


Note to friends: at this point in my story, I tip my hat to Gotham’s own Hans Hanson whose magical discovery process drew the idea of engineering from my then seventeen year old son as we all sat around my kitchen table.  Eric (and his parents) had never considered engineering until that day yet it was perfectly suited for his strengths and interests. Eric never looked back for a moment – and here we are today.  With a graduate who is passionate about his chosen area and heading off to his dream job.  Thanks Hans!


But I digress.  I could go on and on -- and on -- describing my depth of pride and awe at my son’s accomplishments.  Take that as a given – of course, if anyone would like to hear more, I’d be happy to oblige and share graduation photos too.


Instead, I would appreciate if you would share a story from any of your own graduations – not your children’s, niece’s, nephew’s, etc. – your own graduation.    I ask because while I could describe to you in great detail, each graduation which “commenced” my children along their academic paths, I cannot remember any of my own.  Not high school, college, law school. None.  Of course, I remember a few of the post-graduation meals but not the actual commencements themselves.


Don’t get me wrong – I’m sure I graduated from each and every school I attended.  But I couldn’t tell you where the graduation took place, who the speaker was, whether it was a sunny or rainy day. 


Can you please share a memory from one of your own graduation ceremonies?  Maybe you remember the speaker? The weather? Who sat next to you?  Any detail please.  

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