Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
07.15.2018 (2425 days ago)

Gotham works

Gotham works
2425 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Fredslist, Promolist

Today’s Sunday blog covers how the right tribe behind you and with you helps you make a difference and makes a difference for you and the other with whom you connect. Please read on!


Since I began moderating Fredslist (and Promolist) at the end of last summer I early get to see requests for help, as well as thank yous to members of our Gotham tribe who responded to these requests. Other times posts share information, advise of Gotham events, request involvement in Gotham (event) committees, or request support (aka “sponsorships”) for some of these events (this correspondent being the chief “culprit” in that regard). Fredslist, to me, just reminds those who pay attention, and I hope that means every member of our tribe (it certainly should be the case!), how Gotham can make a difference for each of us.


Frankly, Gotham means more than networking to gain clients or projects, or a new gig (or a gig for a family member, colleague or friend). For me Gotham also provides resurces to help me help clients and even more recently, a non-profit I chair.


Through Gotham I got to know professionals who I recommended to clients and help edthose clients in areas I offer no expertise. Similarly, when the non-profit I took over as board chair last year needed advice in certain areas, I turned to Gotham and it delivered. Gotham even provided board members who – by their participation – improved the overall quality of the board.


So Gotham offers its members (and thus those connected to its members) quite a lot. Some of the sagas involved and hinte at above remain ongoing. With Gotham in my corner I enjoy a great deal of confidence. It certainly makes a difference.


Certainly share any Gotham success stories in the comments section.

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