
Gotham's triple crown

Gotham's triple crown
460 days ago 22 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:triple crown,red bandana award,gotham green®,joshua zinder,networker of the year,gotham hall of fame,gotham season of giving,pythian diabetes research associ,craig shink,gotham queens,fred klein,mickey mantle,jefferson crowther,welles re

In 2012, Gotham added its Red Bandana Award, in addition to its annual Networker of the Year Award (initiated in 2004). The Year before (2011) Gotham selected my co-chair of GOtham GREEN® Joshua Zinder, and me as Networkers of the Year. Both awards, announced at Gotham’s Annual Holiday Party, can only be won once and gain entry in to the hallowed Gotham Hall of Fame. Also announced at the Holiday Party are the recipient charities of the Gotham Season of Giving. In 2010, my “recommended” charity, the Pythian Diabetes Research Association, currently led by my friend and fellow PythianCraig Shink (of Gotham Queens aka “GQ”) received a grant. Gotham co-Founder Fred Klein, aka Friday’s blogger, often pointed out how no one got all three (Red Bandana, Networker of the Year and their recommended charity); using a baseball analogy the Mickey Mantle fan calls it Gotham’s “Triple Crown,” At this year’s Gathering, someone indeed won that crown: Today’s Gotham Sunday Blogger: Me! I was surprised to received the 2023 Red Bandana Award.

2023 Red Bandana Presentation

First a word about the award. Gotham gives the Red Bandana Award in honor of Welles Remy Crowther (son of late Gotham member Jefferson Crowther) to a Gotham member who exhibited an extraordinary level of altruism during the course of the year. Welles gave his life on September 11 in service to others. You may have viewed the ESPN documentary, The Man In The Red Bandana. At the 2014 Gotham Mets (v. Nationals) “outing” to Citi Field, held on September 11, I arranged for Welles’ dad to throw out a first ball.


At breakfast with Fred last month, he strongly urged that I bring my wife, Rachelle, to this year’s holiday party. He also mentioned a number of times no one ever received Gotham’s triple crown. Shelly and I rode in with GQ Chair Fred Morante (who drove) and Coordinator Dan Schwartz.


At the Gathering, as Fred recounted on Friday, he announced Dominick Ciccarelli as this year’s Rookie of the Year (created a year after I argued we needed one for Ray Walcott who joined what is now Gotham Business POWER Breakfast group that I chair and Vincent Chirico and Shelley Simpson co-coordinate). He followed by announcing the Networkers of the Year, Odey Raviv and Crysti Farra. Fred than called on Vincent, recipient of the 2022 Red Bandana Award, to introduce this year’s winner. Vincent made clear to most it was me there when he spoke of my efforts, as its Board Chair, to secure federal and state grants to help complete the new Services Now for Adult Services (SNAP) Older Adult Center. Nonetheless my dear friend also practically recounted my entire bio, including my recent involvement with People4Peace (which Fred co-chairs). Interestingly, not based on one of my 2023 Gotham Foundation donations, but on one by Rob Intellisano, SNAP received a $6,000 Season of Giving grant.


I thank Gotham and the Welles Remy Crowther Charitable Trust (Just yesterday I received its special award.) for this special recognition. As a Mets fan, I also like the triple crown designation.

2023 Red Bandana Plaque


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Well well well well well well well deserved!

Posted By : Geraldine Newman