Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.09.2023 (634 days ago)

Gotham's Second Annual Pizza Crawl

Gotham's Second Annual Pizza Crawl
634 days ago 25 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

On Tuesday night Insurance Doctor Robert Intelisano presided over his 2nd Annual Gotham Pizza Crawl.  

Why Robert? Because, to my mind, there is no one we know who knows (and likes) Pizza more than him.  

Not only does he know where to go, but he knows the history, the recipes and stories that go with it. In fact, he even writes about it. He's been (Pizza) published!

Last year he took a select group of Gotham members to lower Manhattan to sample and enjoy his choice pizza places and he didn't disappoint. It was fun and delicious!

This year Robert led a group of 8 through the Rockaways, his Queens youthful stomping grounds. Three of us were returning pizza lovers: Yours truly, Robert and Westchester member Ben Palancia who enjoyed last year's excursion so much so that he drove 2 hours to join us :)

This year's crew (pictured) also included Jason Greenberg and his son Ben, Vincent Russo, David Abeshouse (my Wheelman for the day) and extra special guest, Robert Intelisano Sr.

To spoil the ending, it was wonderful and my only complaint was that there was far far too much food. So much so that we all took a package home (even the bread).  

We made three stomach stuffing stops, ending at "Rocco's at Roc Beach" where the food, wine and camaraderie took us over the top.  

Rumor has it that Robert is considering an Astoria Pizza Crawl for next year. I know I'll be there, no matter where it is.  

This is a very special Special Event. You should be there too!

Thanks again Robert!!!

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Very jealous.

Posted By : Joanne Celi