Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.17.2014 (3798 days ago)

Gotham's Friars

Gotham's Friars
3798 days ago 2 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

On Tuesday night October 21, 18 Gothamites who are also members of the Friars Club will meet for drinks in the Club's Lucille Ball Bar to discuss important issues of the day. On the agenda is expanding Friars Club membership in the Tribe.

At present, the following Gothamites are fellow Friars: Bruce Swicker, Daniel Hochler, Danny Mizrahi, David Stein, Yours truly, John Hess, Joan Rothermel, Judy Mauer, Mel Lazar, Michael Appell, Norm Spizz, Raj Goel, Scott Bloom, Tom Gallin, Ben Jamron, Jason Bonus, Miguel Freire and Friars applicant Seraray Basarir.

If you are interested in joining this synergistic grouping in the future please let me know.

No doubt, with this combination: we sure have fun!

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