Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives

Gotham parks it

Gotham parks it
1263 days ago 11 comments Categories: Games Tags:Alley Pond Park, Vanderbilt Motor Parkway, Saidy's Safe, Alley-Springfield, Zoom

Gotham held a picnic in Queens, not the usual Long Island location. Last Spring tribal council prevailed on this commentator to arrange it. I targeted the Alley-Springfield portion of my fave Alley Pond Park because it included a good size parking lot, enjoyed a comfort station and plenty of ball fields. It also lies about 1/4 miles north of the historical Vanderbilt Motor Parkway (which I knew as “The Bicycle Path” growing up in eastern Queens). When I applied for the permit, I selected the “BBQ-Grey Area” just in front of the comfort station and play equipment for us to gather and “Alley Pond Park Springfield-Softball 6” just on the other side of the comfort station to take some swings. 

Softball Picnickers

As Gotham engaged for past picnics we used Saidy’s Cafe to cater and BBQ.

Saidy and her team

Saidy provided a wonderful selection of food and drink (NYC rules bar alcoholic beverage.) Saidy previously ran the snack bar at the Deepdale pool in Little Neck and now operates at the Windsor Park pool. She remains my go to caterer when I run events.

As with the baseball game two weeks before, it was nice for Gothamites who never met in person but via Zoom to actually do so.

Just another....

......Saturday in the Park.

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