
Gotham Goes Green

Gotham Goes Green
1627 days ago 12 comments Categories: Health Tags:Gotham Green®, Gotham Green Awards®, twitter, facebook, LinkedIn, JetBlue's Rooftop Farm, EDF's Clean Energy Program, Vision Long Island, Sustainable South Bronx, The Tower Garden by Juiceplus+, Earth Day

(Editor’s note:  This blog got superseded by “Ruth” last week in recognition of the passing of the true Wonderwoman)


I enjoy recognizing those who make a difference in our communities and the world.  This explains my involvement in the Gotham Green Awards®.  Established by Gotham City Networking, Inc.® and GOtham GREEN®, the awards recognize people, businesses and organizations that work on environmentally sustainable initiatives and projects. GOtham GREEN® provides a platform for businesses and professionals who seek to connect and promote sustainable business opportunities, practices and relationships.


Indeed, as co-chair of GOtham GREEN®, I get to participate in this celebration of those who make a difference in our communities and the world by celebrating people and organizations, both Gotham members and non-Gotham members, who work in ways big and small, for-profit and not-for-profit, to make our world a little greener.


This year Earth Day passed without the Gotham Green Awards® advancing it.


GOtham GREEN® this year hold its awards program later this fall midway between Election Day and Thanksgiving Day. Original plans were for just after Earth Day 2020 but the Pandemic put the kibosh on that.  Since then GOtham GREEN® tapped a new “GC” (aka “Group Coordinator) and devised plans to hold its awards ceremony virtually.


Gotham Green Awards® recognize three categories:

1. Green Business or Green Initiative – For businesses whose core message and products are green in concept and/or sustainable.

2. Green product, program or building – For businesses that have produced, planned or created a singular item that is green and sustainable.

3. Green/Sustainable non-profit organization – For non-profit organizations that focus on or have created a program or product that they believe contributes to the global sustainability effort.


Past honorees include people, businesses and organizations who (that) work on environmentally sustainable initiatives and projects.  Past honorees include JetBlue's Rooftop Farm, EDF's Clean Energy Program, Vision Long Island, Sustainable South Bronx, my co-chair Joshua Zinder who designed the union hall for MTA bus union (that I happen to advise) and The Tower Garden by Juiceplus+ (Shelley Simpson).


This special Gotham group also provides a platform for businesses and professionals who seek to connect and promote sustainable business opportunities, practices and relationships.


GOtham GREEN® recently made the 2020 applications available.


Why not consider applying or recommending a worthy client, colleague or friend or firm or non-profit they know or work for apply for Gotham Green Awards®? Please also share this opportunity with others.


Apply here or copy and paste this URL:‪‪ or just visit the Gotham home page (which should be easy to find since you are reading this commentary).


I also shared it via twitterFacebook and LinkedIn.  Please do the same.


Please join us when we announced and present the awards on November 17, 2020


Email GOtham GREEN® Group Coordinator Shelley Simpson to RSVP and for further information about Gotham's original "Save The World" group (as least that’s how Fred Klein – aka Friday’s blogger – describes it).


I close with one of my fave songs on this topic, which found its way by reference in several statements and testimonies prepared by this correspondent.

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