Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives

Gotham Business POWER Breakfast breaks mold

Gotham Business POWER Breakfast breaks mold
1153 days ago 15 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:Gotham Networking, Gotham Power Breakfast, Business Breakfast, Gotham Queens, Towers

Not yet reflected on the Gotham Networking website, but a partnership of two Gotham Groups that opted to meet together throughout the 2021 pandemic challenged year forged a brand new Gotham amalgamation for 2022.  Gotham Busines POWER Breakfast held its inaugural meeting, Wednesday morning January 12 (, 2022). 


In 2021 building on an informal decision to meet jointly after the pandemic took hold in 2019 relegating in person meetings to Zoom, Gotham’s Business Breakfast Group and the Gotham Power Breakfast group formalized a partnership to hold joint meetings over Zoom last year (2021). It took hold and last fall, not knowing how 2022 would ensue, discussions began to evolve the two groups into a virtual group holding morning meetings: Gotham’s “tribal council” approved the merger with this commentator serving a Group Chair and Shelley Simpson and Vincent Chirico as this group’s Coordinators.


Recognizing the benefits of meeting virtually, we designed this group to build on its virtual Power gatherings by encouraging and facilitating the “one-to-ones” small group meet ups in between (the regular virtual meetings) that make Gotham famous. 


Its virtual meetings make it possible to bring people together irrespective of geographic location, thereby broadening the reach of each member; this includes easy access for circuit riders and guests where logistics might otherwise preclude participation. Occasionally the meetings include other like-minded Gotham groups during which non-compete “standards” get waived.


If you believe you fit this non-compete group of industry leaders dedicated to helping each other grow personally and professionally by sharing best practices and offering referrals, recommendations and introductions, contact Shelley or Vincent to confirm no existing members holds your “seat” and get an invite to an upcoming meeting.


Upcoming Gotham Business POWER Breakfast meetings (Wednesday, except where noted):

►February 16 (joint with Gotham Westchester)

►March 9

►April 6

►May 4

►June 8

►July 6

►August 10

►September 20 (Tuesday; joint with Gotham Towers)

►October 19

►November 17 (Thursday; joint with Gotham Queens)

►December 14


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