06.09.2015 (3547 days ago)

Gotham Book Club© - BOOKTALK

Gotham Book Club© - BOOKTALK
3547 days ago 8 comments Categories: Books Tags:

It started with an offer by Sara Gruen to participate in the Gotham Book Club’s discussion of “Water for Elephants.”  I asked her publicist (via email) if Ms. Gruen would provide a quote about her novel for our upcoming book discussion. The next thing I saw was an email from Gruen herself, offering to chat with our group, online, in real time.  What luck!  The discussion was thrilling; we had a best-selling author chatting with us, responding to our posts as they popped up on the screen.


More than seven years later, we are still discussing books with their authors -- some of the participants have been winners of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, as well as Op-Ed journalists with The New York Times.


In order to foster a more intimate “book community” within Gotham, we have created a special listserv for our book lovers out


Interested members are encouraged to exchange thoughts, ideas and suggestions about books - on Booktalk.  This list is completely voluntary and you will not receive these emails unless you affirmatively ask to be added to the list.  To do so, email our Webmaster at and let him know you would like to be added to Booktalk.


Keep in mind when posting that unlike Fredslist and the Promo list, this list is NOT moderated. So check it out, join us and let’s talk books.  If you would like to be removed from the list, simply contact Gotham’s webmaster, Mitch Tobol, at and he will remove your email address.


Happy Reading!

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