Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
02.21.2014 (4040 days ago)

Gotham Book Club

Gotham Book Club
4040 days ago 8 comments Categories: Books Tags:

The Gotham Book Club, founded by Julie Klein and Co-Chaired with her by John Buscarello, next meets (on line) on February 26th at 1:00 pm.

For those of you who are not familiar with our Book Club, Julie manages to find world-class authors who are willing to discuss their books with us in real time on the Gotham website. Past Book Club discussions can be found on the website under Books at the top of the home page.


The upcoming selection is entitled "The Manor: Three Centuries at a Slave Plantation on Long Island". The author is Mac Griswold.

A summary of her book, from the author's web site follows: The Manor is a biography of a uniquely American place that has endured through wars great and small, through fortunes won and lost, through histories bright and  sinister – and of the family that has lived there since its founding as a New England slave plantation 3 and a half centuries ago. It is a historical narrative that tells the story of slavery, emancipation, racism, prejudice and silent prejudice in New England through a single piece of land".

If you've seen the Academy award nominated "12 years A Slave" you will understand the incredible irony of a plantation being so close to home.

Please go to the website and click on Books and enter a comment, criticism or question. I know you won't be sorry.  Make sure you join us on the 26th and happy reading!

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