Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
03.01.2015 (3657 days ago)

Gotham Battle of the Bands

Gotham Battle of the Bands
3657 days ago 7 comments Categories: Music Tags:Battle of the Bands

Last week I blogged about how our Gotham tribe works for each of us as “social business network.” Just three weeks from today – Sunday March 22, 2015, our tribe holds its third Annual Gotham Battle of the Bands.


The wonderful afternoon of music and networking takes place at The Knitting Factory, 361 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11211.  Show starts at noon.  Doors open an hour before.

Join us in this all wonderful event as eight bands compete for prizes and a chance to perform at the world famous Café Wha? in NYC (Thank you Gotham MAD Chair William Skody!).


Watch and listen as these very talented bands – Chordless Triad, Cometa, Parkway South, The Offshoots, Stronger Than Sum, Jessica & The Hot Seeds, 1 More Animal, and Off The Record – also compete for three prizes: First prize, $2,000; Second prize, $1,000; and Third prize $500. As I shared in my same blog this past Thursday, the Battle of the Bands organizing committee met that afternoon to select these outstanding bands.


Each band performs one set not to exceed 20 minutes.


A panel of judges – Ryan Nach, Justin Bonus, Rachel Abeshouse, Shelley Simpson, and this correspondent (Corey Bearak) selects the winners.

Be part of this great event as you cheer your favorite performers to victory. Get General Admission Seating at only $15. You also purchase Premium Seats at $50. Purchase your tickets on line. (or copy and paste this tinyURL link: Its cash-only at door.

It might just make sense to connect your business to this great event. Sponsorships are available and get widely recognized in Gotham. Gotham event sponsorships represents a great way to get known around the tribe. Look at these great opportunities.


Become a Battle of the Bands Lead Sponsor for $2500. It includes your (business) name on the event, listing on all media and front page of program journal plus eight premium seats.


As a Rock and Roll Sponsor ($1000) get the back page of the program journal and four premium seats or inside the program journal front page and four premium seats.


As a Funk Sponsor ($500) get either the left centerfold full page in the program journal and four premium seats or the right centerfold full page in the program journal and four premium seats.


As a Jazz Sponsor ($200) get a full page in the program journal plus two premium seats.


As a Hip Hop Sponsor ($150) get a half page of program in the program journal plus 1 premium seat.


As a Rap Sponsor ($100) get a quarter-page or business card in the program journal.


Finally, a thank you to HHDB, aka Gotham's regular Sunday blogger, Don Bernstein, who ceded his usual spot to me as he goes Truckin' to a new place. Expect to find Don back sharing his witticisms in this space next week. Good luck Don.


So may I look forward to greeting you and hanging with you and networking with you on March 22?

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