Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
04.02.2017 (2896 days ago)

Got game?

Got game?
2896 days ago 6 comments Categories: Games Tags:Batmen, Bombers, Hoops, Basketball, Clyde

Most here know I care deeply about a lot of things. That includes sports. I contribute frequently to the “Sportstalk” listserve provided here as a service by Gotham City Networking, Inc.®. While Gotham and Fred boast of its Bombers and Batmen softball teams, year-round my Pythian Lodge sponsors full-court basketball that I enjoy with some of the nicest bunch of men.


After we played today (meaning the day before this blog appears -- and let me boast I made the game ending put-back to give my “squad” three out the four games played this weekend), I handed my friend Eric a list of all who play or both weekly games. It’s been tough getting enough players lately. I actually had my local Member of the Assembly fill in the last two weekends we played; this week the State budget negotiations kept that option off the table. He has a great name – Clyde – if you follow New York hoops.


Our Friday blogger muses about playing into his 70s (75 at this point); and we muse about how long we can continue to ramble up and down the court; some sons and a son’s friend play and I can attest it makes for interesting games when someone 50 or 60 guards a “youngster” in his 20s. And age appears a distant concern; folks wintering in Florida, occasional injuries and family obligations affect turnout more than age. So we may be looking to recruit some players. Besides being able to handle a full court game, it involves joining our sponsoring organization.



Got game?

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