Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
11.23.2016 (3014 days ago)

Gorillas In Our Midst

Gorillas In Our Midst
3014 days ago 2 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:Gorillas, limits, Uganda

I am in paradise.

Naturally, I love to have time travelling and experiencing our wonderful planet, but this is extraordinary. I trekked into the jungle for 2 hours and spent time filming the Mountain Gorillas - Dad, Mom and Babies. It wasn't easy, you are either going up the steep side of a mountain or down the steep side of a mountain. And I make it just a little more difficult by having my wonderful (but weighty) camera with me. I had the most glorious porter, Yonah (like Schimmel, but a man and no knishes) who carried my gear until I needed it and pulled and pushed me there and back. You only get 1 hour with the gorillas and then 2 hours trekking back out again. We were lucky, it can take much longer.

Uganda flag

I felt every emotion, it pushed me beyond my limits, although uncomfortable, I highly recommend it.

What are your Gorillas? What do you need to do to get to them?

All limits are self imposed. -Icarus

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