Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
12.29.2015 (3362 days ago)

Goodbye to 2015

Goodbye to 2015
3362 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


It is hard to believe that this is my last blog for 2015. This year really flew by.

Does anyone else find that as you get older the years go more quickly? When I was young, I remember vividly how September felt. At the beginning of each school year it was nearly impossible to imagine that June was just around the corner. It always was. As time flies by now, September and June seem awfully close together.

I came to the conclusion recently that summer days are longer on purpose to give you the illusion that they last longer. I’m not even sure it is an illusion. I know that I get more done on a long summer day, inspired by daylight. Winter days are so much harder to trudge through when it is dark before 5.

Well, I hope you are all enjoying a long relaxing week getting ready to welcome in a new year.

Looking forward to a great 2016 with all of my Gotham family and friends!

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