Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
08.27.2024 (51 days ago)

Golf Anyone?

Golf Anyone?
51 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Have you signed up yet for our annual Bob Formica Golf Outing?  There is still time.


If you know me at all, you know that I am not athletic.  I mean, really, not athletic.  Just ask, I will share a story or two.


But every year, I go out on the golf course once for our outing and I wouldn’t miss it.  I learned that being part of the day continues to build on our family camaraderie in a noticeable and enjoyable way.    As a group of returning friends we enjoy good conversation, some fun and a great barbeque lunch.  Yes, we even golf some (please don't ask me how many holes in front of Fred.  Shhhhh!!)


If you haven’t signed up, I hope you will.

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