11.27.2023 (455 days ago)

Gobble Gobble

Gobble Gobble
455 days ago 4 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

Now that Thanksgiving is over I can make this confession. My favorite part of the turkey is frame, which I never gnaw on in public, only in private. During dinner, with others, I eat only the white meat.



My preference for the frame came from my childhood. As a kid, my sister, mother, and I would clear off the Thanksgiving table while my brother and father went into the den to watch football.  Once all the dishes were cleared and everything was put away, my mother would smile at my sister and me and say, “It’s time.”


She would then bring the turkey frame over to the table with three plates and give us each a piece. The three of us would sit around the table, talk, and laugh, and gnaw on the turkey frame together. It was my favorite part of the day.


My kids were never partial to the frame so now I have it all to myself. It’s the treat I look forward to for dinner the day after Thanksgiving. Generally, I will call my sister and, as we’re both picking at the frame, we’ll chat together.


What’s your favorite part of the turkey, white meat, or dark meat?



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