04.15.2013 (4335 days ago)

Glee-Too Much Too Soon or Just Right?

Glee-Too Much Too Soon or Just Right?
4335 days ago 7 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

The internet is buzzing with reaction to last Thursday’s Glee episode. As some of you may have read, the episode involves a student bringing a gun to school and the terrified reaction of the student’s classmates. I have not yet seen the episode although I have read a lot about it.

Those criticizing the episode have argued that it exploited the Newtown tragedy by being broadcast too soon after the horrific event. Newton residents were warned by local advocacy groups not to watch the episode. Proponents of the episode have stated that the episode was sensitively written and brilliantly acted.

What do you think Gotham? Given that it was the lives of children that were tragically lost in Newtown is the topic of school shootings totally off limits from dramatization? Or, is dramatization an important tool to raise awareness about relevant issues that need to be heard?

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