08.26.2019 (2024 days ago)

Giving Back At A New Level

Giving Back At A New Level
2024 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


For many years I have donated money to The Council of Jewish Women’s Back to Store. Succinctly stated, The Back to School Store is an annual two day event where children of families in financial need are given the opportunity to “shop” for everything they need to go back to school; socks, underwear, a pair of pants, a shirt, sneakers, a winter coat, hat, tooth brush, and a backpack. All the items  given to the children are donated or paid for with the money that is raised. The children are each taken individually on a shopping spree where they get-without any parental input-to choose their own clothes and supplies.



This year, for the first time, I was able to attend the event and donate my time as a “personal shopper” with the children. My friend who runs the event has often said to me that the volunteers walk out the door smiling broader than the children. And she was right.



I cannot put into words how incredible it felt to go on seven different “shopping sprees” with seven different children. Each child was special in their own way and enthusiastically  appreciated every item they received. Shopping for sneakers-which were not a brand name-and being able to choose whatever pair he wanted made one of my shoppers literally jump up and down with excitement. Another child cried with happiness and disbelief because she was able to pick out one shirt from The Limited (who had donated countless items) for the first time and could not wait for the first day of school to show it off.



Not only have I blocked off next year’s event on my calendar to make sure I can attend but I have given the date to my husband and children and strongly encouraged them to do the same. While financially donating to this cause always made me feel good, being there and seeing the results, took it to a whole other level for me.



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