

2292 days ago 6 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:Season of Giving, Giving Tuesday, Michael Garibaldi, Lisa Waterman, Marc Halpert, GOtham GREEN®, MAD, Mindy Stern, Renee Richter, Services Now for Adult Persons, Knights of Pythias, Theresa Foundation, Fred Klein, Vincent Russo, Susan Russo, FDR Lo

At Thanksgiving which we celebrated last Thursday, we express thanks for our family, friends and all good things. In two days we get a different chance to express our thanks. Indeed, many of our inboxes probably experienced receipt of email messages exhorting our participation in giving on Tuesday, christened  Giving Tuesday,” Interestingly, in Gotham, we experience collectively the fruits of our own giving when our tribe’s “Season of Giving” concludes with the selection of several charities recommended by our givers; my friend Michael Garibaldi, under the watchful eye of Lisa Waterman, picks among the business cards with a charity written on each submitted with donations at our Gotham meeting through the years and in on line donations at a site set up by Marc Halpert.  It always struck me when our network’s co-founder and Friday blogger emphasized the power of small donor giving and likened it to grassroots political giving. Our network also features GOtham GREEN® and MAD (Make A Difference) groups.


Ample opportunities exist to give. We each pick and choose. Sometimes fun events also include those opportunities. I chair a senior program’s board of directors and after I took that position, the board took charge of building its new main senior center and offices coincidently not far from my home and in the community I grew up (I ran several successful fundraisers for a Jewish community organization at that site in its prior iteration.).  Gotham maintains a deep involvement (Learn more here.) in the agency, Services Now for Adult Persons, Inc. Mindy Stern and Renee Richter also serve on its board; Mindy chairs the Board Development committee and played a crucial role in helping to reshape the board; Renee co-chairs its fundraising committee and never misses an opportunity to tout the agency. One of our board members created a SNAP fundraiser on Facebook.

In my role with the Knights of Pythias, a fraternal and charitable organization that just celebrated 150 years in New York State last month, I put out a message recommending donating or volunteering in support of charitable endeavors. I noted our Pythian Events calendar includes many events in support of charity and urged members adopt one or more for their support.


My own Pythian chapter, FDR Lodge, scheduled several social functions to raise monies that we give out in June much the way the Gotham Foundation distributes on December 4 (Will I see you next Tuesday eve?). These events are open to all-comers


The Theresa Foundation, which many in our tribe support, honored both Fred Klein and this correspondent in successive years. Vincent Russo and wife Susan do a wonderful job (in their spare times) shepherding a wonderful organization supporting arts for children with special needs.


Just four examples for giving. You might enjoy your own preference. Something to think about on or before giving Tuesday. Please use the comments session to share how you give or to pitch a cause not mentioned above.


And if you need more inspiration....perhaps some music.

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