08.06.2015 (3504 days ago)

Getting to Ashevile

Getting to Ashevile
3504 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I've heard the expression that "getting there is half the fun". Although I anticipated writing this blog from Asheville, North Carolina, I never thought that I'd be writing about getting --or almost not -- getting here.

We booked our trip some time ago. Fly to Charlotte and a scenic two-hour drive to Asheville. The Forces had other ideas.


Got to LaGuardia in plenty of time. Our 11:10 flight was delayed because of congestion at the airport. We boarded a little late. An equipment problem and we “deplaned” with the assurance that it would be a slight delay. After many further assurances, the flight was cancelled at around 3:00. We were booked for a 5:00.


But there was a problem when we offered our boarding passes to get on the 5:00 flight. In extending a “courtesy” credit for our inconvenience of spending a day at LaGuardia because of the cancelled flight, the agent also canceled our later flight.


We were able to get on the 7:00 with an assurance that our bags were waiting in Charlotte. We finally arrived in Charlotte at 9:30. The drive to Asheville was not quite as scenic as I had planned. It takes a certain disposition to accept that “getting there is half the fun”.

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