09.25.2023 (519 days ago)

Getting it Done

Getting it Done
519 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

When you really need to get some work done and you are in a time crunch what do you do to get it done? Before Covid, my answer to that question would have been, that I would come into the office very early-before the office phones started ringing-and get it done.


Since Covid my answer is different. If I have a document that I need to write, for example, a brief or an agreement, I will try to work from home to get it finished. In fact, since returning to the office post-shutdown, I actually try to keep my Fridays open so I can work from home.  That way I can work undisturbed by others and the phone. I receive my voicemail messages by email so I can return calls at my discretion and not feel obligated to pick up a ringing telephone.


Just this past Friday I knew I had two agreements that I had to write and, additionally, I had to review two new files. I schlepped home the files with me on Thursday. On Friday, I managed to get it all done. I am certain that I would not have been able to finish all of that work in the office.


How do you get it all done?


Happy new year to those who celebrate and have an easy fast!

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