11.30.2020 (1511 days ago)

Getting My News

Getting My News
1511 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

With respect to news, my habit has been the same for several years. At least twice a day, I click on to get my news. Then, at home, I tape and then watch the NBC Nightly National News at 6:30 and the 11:00 local NBC News.



Sporaidically in the past, but with more more frequency since November 3, 2020, I have found myself also clicking on after I read CNN. I feel like I am almost fact checking one against another with respect to the accuracy as to the reporting of the developments in the election.



As for television, I have stuck with my NBC schedule. My husband, on the other hand,  has recently  started taping Shepard Smith, on CNBC, and watching him after the 11:00 local news. I was hesitant to watch him initially, given his history at Fox News. But I read about Mr. Smith and his history and began to watch. I am finding that he reports the news in an interesting “middle ground” manner.



As the major news channels’ content move closer towards opinions,  I think I am, on some levels, looking for old style reporting. I am reminded of a famous quote I heard long ago from Walter Cronkite, “In seeking truth you have to get both sides of a story.”

How do you get your news?

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