09.02.2024 (50 days ago)

Getting Back Into Shape

Getting Back Into Shape
50 days ago 6 comments Categories: Health Tags:

During the pandemic shut-down I used the time at home to get my body in shape. I awoke everyday at my usual time. Since I did not have to give myself an additional forty-five minutes to drive to work, I used the time to exercise.


For years I have walked on the treadmill approximately three times a week for thirty to forty minutes in the morning. That habit continued during the shut down.


I slowly added, on my off-treadmill days, Pilates and Yoga to my exercise routine. I found an instructor on You-Tube that I liked (her British accent helped motivate me). I started out slowly and increased to thirty-minute routines several times a week.


Then we began to go back to the office and I began to cut down my Pilates and Yoga routines, although not eliminating it entirely. As the Courts began to re-open, and I found myself leaving my home earlier and earlier my Pilates and Yoga routines disappeared.


I miss how I felt after completing the Pilates or Yoga. They were a great way to wake-up. I do know, because I tried, that I will not wake up significantly earlier to incorporate it completely back into my morning routine. So I have been looking for smaller options, ten to fifteen minute Yoga, or stretching videos to start. But I have not found any, yet, that I truly enjoy.


So, I’m asking Gotham. Do you have a short beginning exercise routine that you enjoy in the morning?  A way to wake up your body? Would you be willing to share with me?

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