
Get Tooz

Get Tooz
515 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:success, fun, cats, business, entrepreneur, opportunity lifestyle


Every morning I wake up to my cat, JuniperBerry, meowing. She needs to be fed. 


I get up, get dressed, and get down to business. Money supports the lifestyle! 


Not exactly a life of drudgery – I love the cat and am grateful to have a business that I find incredibly fulfilling.  


But seriously, getting up at 4:30 to feed the beast! Running a business! Both can be challenging at times. 


The thing is, I have learned to start each day saying “I get to feed the cat, I get to go to work, I get to do things that make a difference in people’s lives.”  


Words matter – “having to” do something is different from “getting to” do them.  It implies choice and with that, privilege and opportunity - with a dash of being needed. I find that a meaningful way to live. 


What are some things you get to do every day? 

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