Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
11.08.2024 (127 days ago)


127 days ago 22 comments Categories: Games Tags:

When I was first introduced to Major League Baseball almost all the spectators were male and they wore suits and hats (pictured). 

How times have changed!  Now the crowd is diverse, yet their mode of dress nearly uniform.  

Everyone heralds their home team loyalty 
on their breast, back or head.  We are living in the 21st Century age of lushly abundant team gear.  

It has even crossed over into Fashion and Music.  
It is the will of the people. 

No wonder the owners can break the bank attempting to sign Juan Soto!  Give them credit, they have developed a new, constantly renewing, income stream.  And, as you know, fandom gear is not cheap.  

Sky's the limit.  The money machine is in high Gear!

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