Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
09.24.2017 (2717 days ago)


2717 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Hofstra Law, Gotham

Gatherings serve many purposes. Discussed one last week. There were two this weekend. One tested me a bit since the bat in the rear of my car failed to see the light of day in slightly more than a year. The other represented a test of connection and how things endure despite distance in time and place.

Technology prevailed in both cases; it facilitated both events; yet neither in theory required tech to occur.

Just a few weeks out, I expressed real doubt Gotham could pull off its Third Annual Picnic and Softball game. We stepped up the outreach via Fredslist and other emails. We enjoyed a good gathering and even enough players to friend full softball teams. Fred (the Gotham co-founder) even got to to bash the game-winning hit. Later than day I tweeted about going two for two despite my reservations about taking the field before fully healing. The other Fred (of my printer) bolted a homer to help set up Fred’s opportunity.


My law school experience involved a relatively large number of fellow students forging bonds over the course of three years, working on various projects together, resuscitating a publication with a CONSCIENCE, rebuilding a student government, organizing our own course to ensure most prevailed when we sat for the New York Bar Exam, and year-end picnics in our 2nd and 3rd years, and more. Naturally, gigs and how lives evolves take folks all over. So very interesting to find the interest in reconnecting and finding in so many cases, like Dave Mason sang, “It’s Like You Never Left.” Kudos to Sal Russo to getting us together. While I see some classmates regularly and correspond with others, I find something special in how relations can endure based on bonding one might think severed.

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