12.30.2021 (1152 days ago)


1152 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My grandson, who is a few months shy of his sixth birthday, recently started playing Monopoly. It was no surprise that he challenged me and his father to a game when we visited them last weekend.
And when our brother and sister-in-law visited, we took out Connect Four and played several games.
I don’t generally play board, or computer, games, and was a little surprised at myself for agreeing to engage - although it would have been harder to say no to my grandson.
I was also pleasantly surprised that I had agreed to play and went looking for that game of Monopoly that I was certain was in the closet, but alas, not to be found.
Games people play….
Have a happy and healthy new year, stay safe, and find time to play.

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