As we have all can admit, the amount of information bombarding us daily is more than we have ever had before. Whether you get your news by radio (remember those?), print media, television, online websites or social media, the amount of information out there is, to me, insurmountable.
As before, people have taken to sharing information on social media. I have joined several Facebook groups that provide information specifically for attorneys in my field of practice. Those pages have been invaluable as latest developments in my field of practice have been immediately shared. Practitioners, as well as judges and court personnel, have contributed to the site to ensure that we receive the proper information in a timely way.
Other than those dedicated pages, I have been using my Facebook page to post much needed “smiles” for my friends. I have been sharing GIF’s that have made me laugh to share the laugh with my friends. The most recent GIF I shared was the following:
Remember last year when the worse thing was the Game of Thrones finale?
I can really use a smile today. Tell me your recent favorite GIF.