Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
05.13.2019 (2128 days ago)

Frogs Are Jumping Everywhere!

Frogs Are Jumping Everywhere!
2128 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Based on my apparent blog themes, I think I must be missing my children. So, here is today’s story and it goes back to Passover.

In my house we have had a Passover tradition for over 15 years. When we get to the part in the Seder where we talk about frogs, we sing a frog song from nursery school (yes, nursery school)– and then we pelt Eric with little plastic green frogs that each guest has been given. Actually, the frogs sit right on top of the Haggadah at each place setting.

You know where my story is going. This year for the first time Eric was away at school. We didn’t want him to miss the annual frog toss experience – and I was sending a care package up to school anyway . . . We packed up some of those plastic green frogs and Bill rigged the package somehow using rubber bands. The frogs were sitting right on top of the boxes of Cheez Its and the idea was that they would fly out at him when he opened the package. Just a small way to make your son feel at home.

Crazy right? I know – but we all laughed.

And don’t worry. Both my kids will be home soon, and I will stop blogging in this theme.

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