Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.25.2015 (3460 days ago)

Friday Night Was Special

Friday Night Was Special
3460 days ago 9 comments Categories: Games Tags:

This is a follow up to last week's Friday With Fred blog wherein I heralded last Friday night's Mets-Yanks Mania and anticipated a great night communing in our "special" center field bleacher seats with 124 other Gothamites.

In the words of Gothamite Ellyne Finklestein it was "A perfect match up. Weather couldn't be better. 125 Bull pen seats filled with fellow Gotham members with their family and friends. Very heartwarming to see them all. Some members I recognize, others I just meet right in my row of seats. There's smiling, laughing, chanting, rooting, cheering and booing. The most important thing, we are  there all together sharing with our tribe, family and friends. A great time for all-priceless as they say! And of course the METS WIN!

And that's the problem.  The flip side of the Mets winning is that the Yanks lost and to make matters worse this Yankee fan took lots of heat as the Met fans feasted on me and reveled in their victory.  See Amparo's picture above.

Of course, the Yankees won the next 2 games to stay alive in their Pennant race, but I had little opportunity for pay back bragging rights. 

It bothered me that there seemed to be more Gotham Met fans at the game than us. As a consequence, please respond to our current Poll to the right. 

In any case, we will buy 150 tickets for the next Subway Series on 9/1 next year.

Then again, maybe, Baseball Gods willing, our two teams will meet in the World Series.  Here's hoping!

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