Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
07.04.2020 (1707 days ago)

Freedom's just another word

Freedom's just another word
1707 days ago 21 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

Today we celebrate our Independence Day. Indepedence from tyranny, the right to freeLove the U.S. speech, the ability to believe in whatever religion we choose even if it's none at all. We are a pluralistic country and my wish, on this day, is that we can look out for each other, accept our differences without judgement, seek to understand what it truly means to be free, help those who have less than you, fight for equality, applaud truth, play fair...


I know these might be considered high ideals but isn't that what all of us should strive to do?


Maybe on this day we can think of freedom not as the right to do as we please...but as the opporutnity to do what is right.

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