Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.01.2017 (2656 days ago)


2656 days ago 19 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

No doubt, You have seen the great Godfather movies and probably remember Don Vito Corleone's  son Frederico (Fredo) Corleone played by the fine actor John Cazale.


Fredo is a fictional character, dreamed up by author Mario Puzo, who is weaker and less intelligent than his brothers and has little power or status in the crime family. His feelings of personal inadequacy and his inability to act effectively on his own behalf are character flaws leading to greater catastrophic consequences.



Of course, Puzo didn't dream Fredo up.  He, no doubt, fashioned him upon some poor loser he knew growing up.



It is catastrophic that truth is stranger than fiction-especially in these high charged days of politics, partisanship and power.

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