08.08.2013 (4183 days ago)

Fourth Floor Walk-Ups

Fourth Floor Walk-Ups
4183 days ago 10 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Three of our four children live on the fourth floor of their respective buildings. The two in Brooklyn are walk-ups, while one in Seattle has an elevator

 I think walk-ups are healthy. Flo had a Great Aunt Anna who lived in a fifth floor walk up in the Bronx. She lived into her nineties. I bet the walk-up had something to do with her longevity.

 So I am favorable to Mayor Bloomberg's recently announced initiative that new architecture in New York City be sensitive to, and encourage, stairs.

I looked out at the parking lot at the gym this morning and saw what I always see -- spaces closer to the building are preferred. Why not force a little extra healthy walk by parking not-so-close?

I guess it would be the suburban equivalent to the fourth-floor walk up.

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