Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
02.23.2018 (2571 days ago)

Forever Young

Forever Young
2571 days ago 34 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

One of my favorite songs is Dylan's Forever Young and my oft stated quest is to live to 100 and beyond.  

With this as background, I was very pleased to receive a link ( to a TED talk from Judy Mauer on the subject of "The Strongest Predictor On How Long You'll Live". 

According to the TED Talk, there was a Brigham Young University longevity study of thousands of middle-age people over a long period of time. 

The results were pleasantly surprising. The 10 most prominent indicators of longevity, according to the study, are:
10 clean air
9 blood pressure
8 weight
7 exercise
6 heart health
5 flu vaccine
4 limiting alcohol 
3 tobacco abstinence 
2 close relationships and the most important factor, according to the study, is social integration,i.e., how much you interact with others in your day to day life. Examples were given such as conversing with your coffee vendor, mailman, the person walking their dog passing your porch and being a member of a book club. 

Thus, the study screamed out to me that Gotham's business/social network has yet another incredible benefit: it enhances longevity!

Will you join me at the Gotham table or on its many platforms on my journey to be forever young!

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