Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
09.17.2016 (3095 days ago)

For all that's left

For all that's left
3095 days ago 8 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

What's left after a bruising battle, a war, a conflict, an argument? Raw feelings, resolution, terror....? Can we as a country feel unified? Did we ever?


We are fed a stream of news that is divisive and lopsided, you can pick the side. Social media feeds us what we want to hear...not what we should hear.'s true. Social media keeps track of what we click on and provides us with more content related to that topic. It's in their algorythms.


What happened to well rounded views? One look at the discourse on our political listserv answers that question. Everyone is in their own corner throwing punches and jabs whenever they get a chance not caring for the other's side. To me the public and the politcal marketers are trying to simplify the campaign choosing between safe or risky, presidential or up ending the status quo. It's alarming to me that the important issues are just cannon fodder. That lies, insults, bigotry, xenophobic behavior become news and headlines to grab eyeballs and attention rather than challenged and used as a filter to find the right person.


Whomever is elected in November is who we deserve because only 55% (2012) of the voting age population vote. So if you are one of them, you are very powerful and please stay that way.


I remember my neighbors, not too long ago, both very intelligent, well read and successful people emphatically voiced their opinion about voting. Specifically that their vote doesn't really count so why do it. Wouldn't you know that the next budget vote in our town lost by two votes...


This political cycle is way too long. I am already weary of the political news and we have two more months to go. I admire how the British vote in a new Prime month. Take your best shot and then let's move on. Cheers!

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