11.25.2019 (1929 days ago)

Following Doctor's Orders

Following Doctor's Orders
1929 days ago 7 comments Categories: Health Tags:


I am a bad patient. I am emphatic about having my annual check ups and mammogram. But, beyond those, I rarely listen to my doctor’s recommendations. I think it’s time to change my ways.


On Thursday, I had a medical procedure on my leg which required several stitches. As the procedure was a bit more complicated than the doctor had anticipated she advised me to take it easy on Friday though the weekend, to stay off my leg and keep it raised. I told her that I had a hearing scheduled in NYC on Friday afternoon which I was not willing to postpone. After arguing with me for several minutes she realized that I would not change my mind. She implored me, if I insisted on going into NYC, to walk slowly and carefully remaining mindful of my leg.


On Friday afternoon, I raced up the stairs from the subway to the courthouse clearly forgetting (ignoring?) my doctor’s instructions while focusing not on my leg but on my upcoming hearing. Suddenly I felt a pull in the stitches, which caused my leg to jerk, my shoe to fall off, and my toe to slam against the concrete step. I immediately knew I had broken my toe. I limped to the courthouse, completed my hearing (where no one knew anything was wrong), and took the train straight home.


I spent the remainder of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday taking it easy, stayed off my leg (and toe) and keeping my leg (and toe) raised. Just like the doctor told me to.


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