Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
12.11.2019 (1871 days ago)


1871 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Concrete Thinkers vs. Abstract Thinkers

Have you ever met someone that takes everything literally? Chances are, they are probably more of a concrete thinker. Concrete thinking focuses on what is physically around you. Concrete thinkers see a physical object and just think of what's in front of them. They may see their surroundings but not see beyond themselves. Concrete doesn't bend. It stays put. If you tell a concrete thinker to "break a leg" they might think about a leg snapping. Not kidding.

Abstract thinkers use analogies and metaphors to understand the world.  They can read body language and know the difference between verbal and non-verbal. They are critical thinkers, science-minded and logically based.

There are other types of thinkers, but are typically spin-offs of these fundamental types.

I'm an Abstract thinker and I married a Concrete thinker. It's a perfectly balanced ship. He's the ballist and I'm the sails. A diversified portfolio of human assets. He's the fixed income and I'm the equities. Communication can be interesting, but as long as we know we speak different languages we eventually find an understanding. It's typically concrete thought with creative abstract descriptors.

What kind of thinker are you?

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