Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
06.25.2024 (84 days ago)

Five Rolls or Six

Five Rolls or Six
84 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Without exaggeration, for over 10 years – maybe more – I have been buying five fresh delicious rolls from the bakery at my supermarket.  Every Saturday.  Five has seemed to be the perfect number since Bill makes lunch for himself every day.  Although sometimes, there is a breakfast slipped in there too.


This past Saturday as I was checking out, I met a new cashier.  He reminded me of my son back in the days when he worked at this very same supermarket likely behind this very same cash register.  As he was ringing up my rolls he said, “you know – if you buy six rolls it is basically the same price as five single ones.”


I was so very impressed, grateful and a little stymied all at the same time.  Why had no one else mentioned that to me in all these years? I don’t remember seeing a sign over at the bakery but you can bet I will be looking for one next week.


I want to just say “well done” and I am thinking about what my sixth roll will be this week.



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