Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
03.10.2020 (1762 days ago)

Fists, Elbows and Toes

Fists, Elbows and Toes
1762 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


I need a favor Gotham. We are in very challenging times changing the way we greet other people. If you know me, I am most likely to engage in some form of touch to say hello. It might be a handshake, or admittedly, if I know you better a hug.

With recommendations from the CDC in today’s coronavirus environment, those greetings are no longer acceptable. Instead, we greet each other by fist bumps, elbow touch or perhaps a creative toe-to-toe greeting.

I get it, really I do, and support whatever we can each do to lessen the risk of spreading the virus. But I’m having trouble. It’s an auto response for me. Heading to an elbow touch just doesn’t come naturally, at least not yet.

Hence, I need your help. Please stop me and correct my greeting gaffe if you see it happening. I’m sure I will make the necessary changes eventually, but until then, thanks for helping me along.

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