01.05.2023 (781 days ago)

First Day Back

First Day Back
781 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

This past Tuesday was a “First Day Back.”
My five year old granddaughter was having a lot of anxiety on Monday evening about her First Day Back to kindergarten. Her mom suggested that she speak to me. I told her that I also had anxiety about my First Day Back and that I took something new with me on my First Day Back - especially when it was a new year. She promised that she would.
We made a date to speak on Tuesday after school. We spoke and she told me about the special little stuffed animal and photo of her and her cousin that she took to help her through the day. She has a good day.
I still find First Days Back anxiety provoking. Whether from vacation, a long weekend, a business trip — whatever the reason — the return is just not the usual.
And sometimes, a little something special helps.

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