Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
03.11.2015 (3639 days ago)


3639 days ago 10 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:

I know we have a lot of lawyers in the Tribe, but to this layman getting my fingerprints taken was an adventure.

I walked into the 10th Precinct and was greeted cordially by every officer I met, but it sure isn’t like on TV. This Police Station is old and beat. I just wonder if we’d be having so many problems between the NYPD and the public if the stations were more up to date. I know the office organizers of Gotham would tell me great statistics on a clean office increasing business and mental health.

Of course, a worn out space is no excuse for bad behavior, but it just makes me think. If we maintained the NYPD Stations and the Public Schools what a difference it would make in the course of our fair city.

How do we fund this?

Oh and the ink washes off very nicely, but there has got to be a digital way to take fingerprints.

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