Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
01.28.2024 (409 days ago)

Find and Replace

Find and Replace
409 days ago 20 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:Coda, Code Editor

Recall last week’s blog. I had planned to post some items on the web using my iPad after the presser. It seems the app no longer existed. I dealt with things when I returned to my office. That eve I searched the App Store for the replacement editor but nothing seemed the right tool. It still bothered me so I reached out to my son. He advised that “Code Editor” replace “Coda.” Still I could not seem to find it; we enjoy family “rights” on Apps so I waited for my son to visit or us to visit him. Jonathan was able to find a 12 year-old purchase and upload the current “Code Editor.” We installed it to my iPad and iPhone and my ability to make changes and updates without relying on my MacBook Pro resumes. Yes we teach our children but they can return the favor too.

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