07.08.2014 (3898 days ago)


3898 days ago 8 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

I don't know where it was, or if it's real...but it was on Facebook so at least it's cause for hope.  A blurb on Facebook posted that somewhere drivers can now be ticketed for sitting in the left lane and holding up traffic.



I'm sure there will be those artery-blockers who won't understand why this is a good day for humanity, but the rest of us who understand the rules of the road can start the rejoicing.  Keep in mind, these aren't "unwritten" rules.  The concept of the left lane as the passing lane is actually in the driver's manual that we all must read before we get our learner's permit.



Don't get me wrong, I am really not rooting for that (place your race/gender/age discriminatory generalization here) to actually get pulled over and get a ticket.  Just hoping that the fear of such a ticket will keep many people who sit in the left lane, holding up traffic in complete disregard of their fellow citizens, back in the right and center lanes where they belong.



It's just a matter of common courtesy.

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