Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
09.30.2015 (3434 days ago)

Film Festival Re-Redux

Film Festival Re-Redux
3434 days ago 16 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:Film festival, New York, Awards

DEADLINE APPROACHING!! I am replaying my post about our FIFTH ANNUAL FILM FESTIVAL to make sure every tribe member gets a chance to hear about it. Please spread the word, we only have a couple of weeks until the deadline. More below.

It's getting to be that time of year again.

The website has just gone LIVE and we have a Facebook page !

Yes, I'm talking about our 5th Annual Gotham Film Festival, going to be our biggest and best yet.


Take a quiet moment out of your busy day and let all your friends, family, business associates and taxi drivers in on this lovely gem.


There are CASH prizes, unlimited entertainment and endless prestige.


Film Festival logo


The deadline for entries in October 16, 2015.

Up to 30 minutes in length.

Narrative or documentary.


A great night in November with your Gotham tribe and popcorn.

We need your help and support.

Spread the word throughout your social media world. Or just knock on your neighbor's door.


Thank you.

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