Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
08.09.2024 (44 days ago)


44 days ago 19 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

As follow up to my recent "Taking Credit" blog, where I declared I no longer need to take credit for what has blossomed from a suggestion or idea, I need to add that, nonetheless, an important ingredient of social intercourse is feedback.  

Feedback is follow-up/response to one's suggestion or idea.  

By responding one acknowledges receipt and informs as to the status of the subject.  

This allows for discussion towards furthering the suggestion or idea.  

As Shelley says, the magic is in the follow-up!

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As Shelley sayeth, so does Fred Klein!

Posted By : louis petrone

I have never known Shelly to be wrong!

Posted By : Rita Sue Siegel