07.15.2019 (2067 days ago)

Fashion Statement

Fashion Statement
2067 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Anyone who knows me, or have read my blogs, knows I enjoy shopping for clothing, pocketbooks, handbags etc. I know that sometimes, professionally, I will use my clothes to make a statement. For instance, during a recent four-day long hearing, I purposely wore very professionally looking, dark suits. To me, my choice of dress made a statement to the Judge and opposing counsel that I was in that courtroom as a professional ready to work and do battle.


A few days ago, I read an article about Meghan Markle’s appearance at Wimbledon. The Duchess wore a pair of earrings from a brand that employs local artisans from war torn Kabul. Her jeans were from a brand that are produced in a Cambodian factory that employees seamstresses that are rescued from the sex trade. After the Duchess wore the brand last year, the label had to employ forty-six additional workers to keep up with the increased sales. The article focusd on the  Duchess’ clear use of her clothing choices to bring focus to some of her humanitarian causes.


What statement does your clothing make about you?


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