Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.23.2016 (3004 days ago)

Farewell Pat

Farewell Pat
3004 days ago 15 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Our law firm has enjoyed the same Office Manager for over 30 years (9/84 DOH): Pat Sumple (nee Castrovinci) and she is retiring at year end. 

Needless to say, I (we) will sorely miss her.  Although she can be tough and at times impatient, we will always consider her one of our Family and value her various contributions, opinions and decisions greatly.

My partner Jane Jacobs cites her longevity and loyalty, marveling "No one works in one place for a lifetime anymore".

My partner Joan Rothermel adds that "Pat ensured the smooth and economical operation of the Firm, allowing us to devote our time to the well being of our clients.  She cared as much, if not more, than anyone."

My third partner (collectively The Witches of Eastwick)  Nancy Schess whole heartedly agrees with all of the above and adds her well wishes.

One more accolade from me: Pat is a fellow dog (Charlie) lover!

Finally, as I said at her retirement party, Pat is like a sea urchin: prickly on the outside and soft on the inside.  Truth be told, she is a secret sweet girl!

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