11.07.2016 (2995 days ago)

Family First

Family First
2995 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I had written a different blog to post today. But after what occurred to my family this weekend, this blog practically wrote itself.


On Saturday, my husband realized he was the victim of a computer hack. The hacker first got control of my husband’s business account and started changing passwords and making small transfers. My husband called his bank and, while on the phone with them, he received a call from the bank fraud department to question several large transfers that were pending. Once it was confirmed that the call was actually from his bank, the two bank representatives had to work together to close all the accounts as the hacker was actively trying to hack in as they were working. We later found out that the hacker got into everything, his gmail, his paypal etc. It took my husband into the early hours of Sunday morning to close everything down.


Then, early Sunday morning, we received a hysterical call from my daughter, Sydney, who is in school at SUNY Buffalo. Apparently, while she was sleeping on Saturday night, someone entered her apartment through the living room  window and stole her car keys and wallet as well as her roommates’ computers from the living room.  She woke up on Sunday morning to find her car stolen. We calmed her down by telling her that the car was just an object,what was most important that she was unhurt. But thoughts of what could have happened to Sydney had the thief entered her bedroom are still torturing me.


In the midst of it all, my husband and I are celebrating our twelfth wedding anniversary today. And, as we celebrate with our family and think about what occurred over the weekend, we came to the same conclusion, it was all just paper, plastic, and metal. What is most important is our family and that we are all physically okay. And, happily, neither the hacker nor the thief took that away from us.



Happy happy twelfth anniversary to my wonderful husband, partner, and best friend Philip. There is no one else I would rather share the good times, as well as the bad times, with.

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