Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
05.29.2015 (3579 days ago)


3579 days ago 15 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

Are you on Facebook?  If not, in my opinion, you should be.

Why?  Because it is a great connectivity tool.

We talk at meetings about the need to have one on one meetings and participation in Gotham committees and events, in addition to attendance at regular meetings, inorder to maximize the networking experience.

However, in my opinion, the secret ingredients are memory and personal info tid bits to fuel relationship building and bonding.

What better source than Facebook where folks are at ease and having fun telling stories and sharing images.

I think, no, I know, it works. 

All things being equal, people do business with those they like.

As they say: Try it you'll LIKE it. :)

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